
Soften your heart with REMEMBERING DEATH

Hope There Benefits..

Brother of the blessings Allah ..... The life of this world is a long journey to the land of immortality. Maybe we classified into those who are aware and should understand how to live this life in order to avoid futile and without meaning.
Travel to a country that has no end. Remember, O my brother the best provision is piety we (watazawwadu fainna khoirozzaadittaqwa) QS. 2:198. Ie with a sincere and pious charity mutaaba'ah (according to the Sunnah Prophet) that with you when you leave this world for Allah in the face of certain death.

كل نفس ذآئقة الموت

"Every soul shall taste death ...." (Surah Al-Imran: 185) Indeed, O my brother. This trip is headed next. A journey that we are asking God to end the pleasures of heaven. Not hell.
Because greatness is the way to the end of the day the Prophet said:

"If you know what I know, surely you would laugh little and weep much." (Mutaffaqun 'alaih) that is, if we know the nature of death that will pick us up and magnitude of the grave, the dark day of doom, and all her sorrow, shirot (footbridge) and all the rin-hand, with all the pleasures of heaven, He will give us the motivation to make changes. Change of wickedness and unbelief to faith, from hypocrisy to be committed and, from doubt to confidence, from arrogance to ketawadhu'an, from greed to gratitude and simple, from the angry and vengeful into love and forgiveness, of trickery and tyranny to be honesty and fairness, of the lie becomes the truth. Thus, a change away from the nature and character syaithoni and animal, a human being should be the starting Islami. But we often forget or pretend to forget the long journey, even chose the world with all its instruments, luxury, beauty, wealth, position, which is all worth the sight of Allah, nothing more than a wing of a mosquito!
O are deceived by the world .....! O is being turned away from Allah ...! O is being heedless of obedience to his Lord ...! O the passion has always rejected the advice! O who always dreamed long!

Do you not know that you will soon leave your world and your world will leave you anyway? Where the house magnificent? Where the clothes are beautiful? Where wewangianmu aroma? Where the servants and familimu? Where your face is beautiful and handsome? Where a smooth skin? Where ....?! Where ....?! When the caterpillars and worms tearing up and scatters all over you ....?!

Haste kneel before the Lord of Jalil, God. Remove the blanket that blocks the pride of His grace and maghfirah. I gave khabar news for the sinner, negligence and exaggeration, to immediately cease from action kemaksiatannya it. My beloved brother, who among us is innocent, who among us is not guilty of the Lord? There is absolutely no, one day we can not be like the angels who are always obedient and do not commit adultery at all. Come to your mosque and beribadahlah in it, Establish the five prayers, puasalah in Ramadan, Hajj exert if you have been able, zakatilah treasure and soul, lead your children to Al-Islam, keep you and your family from the reading / magazine / tabloid porn. Insyafilah all sins, and remember .... The door of repentance is still wide open for you, Allah's grace and maghfirah very broad, broader than the sea of sin. Know that Allah is pleased with taubatmu.
Remember the word of Allah:

"Verily, Allah loves those who repent and purify his heart."
Prophet delivered one of the counsel's advice which is sufficient to advise every human being:

كفى بالموت واعظا
"Enough with the death as an advisor (for us)."
Brother ...., ponder well this treatise with pen and ink longing tears. Go back to Allah and His Messenger with manhaj (way) is right. Work-kanlah what he commanded and to avoid flat-out ban on him. Try to maintain subordination, tawadhu 'and gratitude for His blessings that will take you to the door of peace and happiness. Berhiaslah with pious and charitable akhlaqul karimah beauty. Everything will be accountable for his deeds alone, it was doing a good deed!

He said:

"So whoever of mustard seed weighing charitable goodness, He will see the rewards. And whoever of the mustard seed charity weighing disobedience, He will see siksanya. "(Az-Zalzalah: 7-8) And Allaah knows best.

Brass, 1999 ... Previously, I was a young man who likes to sin and disobedience, do not miss it unless accompanied by a long night of drinking and games satan. However, I realize that when Allah memperlihatkanku with horrible sights that make this eye would cry all the stupidity, immorality I ever did. One of my friends to Allah, once satisfied with the disobedience. As a friend I thought I wanted to pay tribute to him with accompanying kepemakaman. There was silence accompanied by sobbing family accompanied him when my friend put into the hole Lahad which was limited to his size as a resting place. I and one of the men of the family go down into it to help put it down.

Point by point the ground began to cover his body until burial is complete, step-by langkahpun began to leave her alone. A man who has come with lower body looks upset and confused. Once I asked her what happened?, He replied: "A key fell off my car!" We walked the cemetery and some temanpun he went through and we also do not get it. Once remembered he was convinced that the key had fallen in burrows Lahad. Because there is no other way, after a talk with the others finally agreed to dig up the grave. Neither were also dug a grave and witnessed only by a few people. [Having found the key] a sense of wonder and curiosity began to descend the liver, because of the foul smell was disgusting. Like a lightning bolt that struck my chest when I saw the burned bodies of jet black like a very hot fire. And more surprisingly, he wore the shroud still in a state of pure white, just a little blood tersimbah!? I felt my body was reinforced, and the intense fear began to creep into the whole body which I had never experienced anything as powerful as when facing opponents! Thus we also see things quickly closed the grave again.

"Thank Allah, thank Allah who has hit me yaa through my eyes." In between the prayers after maghrib prayer accompanied by tears of joy and peace he had never felt before.

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